Diverse Medical
AI for all.

Medical AI Promotion Institute

Who We Are

Creating a world filled with medical AI

We aim to realize a future where various medical AIs seamlessly integrate into daily clinical settings, existing in forms tailored to individual diseases and patients, and collaborate with healthcare professionals to provide the best care for each patient.

  • Supporting the Generation and
    Advancement of Over 100 Medical AI Technologies

  • Building the world’s best
    medical data center

  • Developing a Sustainable Economy for Medical AI

Goal by 2030

How We Do

In Japan, despite the abundance of high-quality medical data, the utilization of AI in healthcare is still in its early stages. Our solution to this situation involves tackling challenges in data standardization, acquisition, and processing. To achieve this, we are expanding our network of medical data providers and supporting smooth data transfer. Additionally, we are focused on promoting the effective use of data, not just in data-related areas but also in the development, regulatory affairs, and commercialization of medical AI.

Current Status


Significant hurdles exist for both the providers and users of data.

  • Providers
    (medical institutions, etc.)

    ・Deficiency of Knowledge and Resources in Providing Data
    ・Difficulties in the Standardization and Consistency of Medical Data
    ・Insufficient Support for the Effective Use of Medical Data

  • Acquirer
    (e.g., medical AI developers)

    ・Challenges in Pinpointing and Obtaining the Right Data
    ・Barriers in Data Preparation (Annotation, Quality Tuning) for Development
    ・Challenges in Regulatory Submissions and Market Launch Post-development


Support for data providers and acquirers to promote data distribution and utilization.

  • Promotion of data

    ・Form partnerships with multiple scholarly societies and medical facilities to boost the pool of data providers
    ・Provide data provision expertise to suppliers and support smooth data delivery.
    ・Compensate data suppliers with usage payments and support the adoption of medical AI.

  • Promotion of data

    ・Assist in defining data required for development and in supporting data annotation
    ・Support commercialization activities such as obtaining regulatory approvals and sales
    ・Introduce superior medical AI from abroad to Japan.

Use Cases


We aim to become an authorized entity under the Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act to further promet the distribution and utilization of data

Supporting the entire process of medical AI development for Medical Images

  • Specialized in medical images

    By leveraging our knowledge and database specialized in medical images, we drive valuable data utilization for both data providers and developers

  • Diverse Experts in the team

    With our team of experts from various fields such as medical data processing, regulatory affairs, and commercialization, we are capable of providing holistic support to clients

  • Consistent service

    We realize swift and seamless service by conducting the entire process from data gathering to delivery in-house

Flow of data provision

  1. Initial meeting

    We will discuss the contents of data provision, provision procedures, contract forms, etc., in preparation for data provision.

  2. Application for ethics review documents

    We will support your preparation of ethics review documents, etc.

  3. Conclusion of provision contract

    We conclude the necessary contracts for data provision.

  4. Extraction and processing of data

    We will support data extraction and processing upon your request.

  5. Provision of data

    Only processed data will be stored and utilized by our company.

  6. Payment of the data provision fee

    Based on the contract, we will pay the data provision fee.


  • Yuki Shimahara

    Yuki Shimahara Director | CEO

    Completed a doctoral program in Life Sciences at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Founded LPIXEL Inc. in 2014 and served as the CEO, focusing on AI-based image analysis in the medical and drug discovery sectors. Currently active as a founder, serving as a permanent director of the Japan Association of Medical Imaging Systems Industry, and working on the creation of data processing guidelines for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's scientific research funds project (2021-2023). Also contributes to medical AI education as a part-time lecturer at universities such as Kochi University, Hokkaido University, and Tokyo Medical and Dental University.

  • Sho Kawabe

    Sho Kawabe Director

    Holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, and is a licensed pharmacist. Started career in the regulatory affairs department of Nihon Kohden Corporation, a medical device manufacturer, focusing on market approval registration, reimbursement submissions, and management of both domestic and international audits. Subsequently engaged in roles including project management, international business development, and regulatory and quality affairs at several medical AI startups, notably at LPIXEL Inc.

  • Hiroaki Hyakutake

    Hiroaki Hyakutake Director

    Graduated from the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University. Engaged in various regulatory affairs for medical devices, including approval/certification applications, clinical trial operations, and insurance applications at both Japanese domestic and global medical device manufacturers and medical device import companies. At LPIXEL Inc., responsible for regulatory submission of Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) and obtaining/maintaining ISO 13485 certification. Continues to support regulatory affairs for numerous medical devices.

  • Takeshi Ide

    Takeshi Ide Director

    Graduated from Osaka University (M.D. course), and (Ph.D. course), studied abroad in the United States (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami), and served as Vice Director of Minami-Aoyama Eye Clinic. After graduating from The Graduate School of Project Design (Master of Project Design), opened Tokyo Vision Eye Clinic Asagaya. He also founded NYAUW Co., Ltd. and is engaged in activities to solve the problems and challenges of clinics from the perspective of a practicing physician.

  • Yusuke Kondo

    Yusuke Kondo Director

    Master's degree in Information Science and Technology from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. My research interests include computer vision, machine learning, and multimedia. Currently enrolled in the doctoral program at the same graduate school. Since 2019, I have been engaged in the development of AI-powered medical device programs. I am a recipient of the IPA MITOU Advanced Program, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications INNO-β program, and a fellow of the 7th Japan Biodesign Program at The University of Tokyo. I am also an IEC International Expert (TC 62, PT 63521).

  • Daiju Ueda

    Daiju Ueda Director

    Associate Professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka Metropolitan University. Responsible for academic affairs within this organization. Specializes in imaging diagnostics as a clinician and in AI as a research physician. Acts as the academic counterpart in medical AI projects with universities and companies both domestically and internationally.

  • Norio Sawa

    Norio Sawa Director

    Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University, majoring in Electronic Engineering. Worked for 20 years at Nippon Electronic Calculation Co., Ltd. as the head of data centers for finance, securities, local governments, and general companies. Obtained multiple ISO certifications, including FISC compliance and ISMS. Currently runs an IT consulting firm, providing information security and IT consulting for numerous companies.

  • Tomohiro Kikuchi

    Tomohiro Kikuchi Director

    M.D. from Niigata University School of Medicine, Board-certified Radiologist, Ph.D. in Medicine (Jichi Medical University), Master of Public Health (The University of Tokyo). Currently working as an assistant professor at the Data Science Center, Jichi Medical University, conducting research on medical AI. Dedicated to promoting the widespread adoption of AI in Japan from the perspectives of a clinician, researcher, and public health specialist.

  • Joe Sakai

    Joe Sakai Outer Director

    Graduated from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, and obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with distinction from TIAS School for Business and Society in the Netherlands. Founder and director of Rixis, former visiting professor in the Department of Life Science and Bio-Industrial Sciences at Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, board member of NPO Katariba, and advisor to the Professional Baseball Players Association.

  • Naoko Kato

    Naoko Kato Outer Director

    M.D. from Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Surgery from Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science. Studied ophthalmic pathology at Erlangen-Nürnberg University in Germany. After working at Nihon University Musashikosugi Hospital, National Defense Medical College Hospital, and Saitama Medical University Hospital, currently serves concurrently at Minamiaoyama Eye Clinic, Keio University Hospital (visiting assistant professor), Tokyo Dental College Ichikawa General Hospital (visiting assistant professor), Yokohama City University School of Medicine (visiting associate professor), Tokai University School of Medicine (visiting associate professor), etc., engaging in ophthalmology practice, research, and education of the next generation. Also holds an MBA from Globis University Graduate School of Management.

  • Sekiguchi Sumireko

    Sekiguchi Sumireko Outer Director

    Graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine in 1993. Joined Miyagi Kohseikai Saka General Hospital, completed initial and advanced training, and returned to Miyagi Kohseikai Izumi Hospital in April 2000 after training at the Department of Neurology, Tohoku University. Currently, Vice President of Izumi Hospital and Chief of Neurology. Board-certified neurologist and instructor of the Japan Neurological Society, certified physician and instructor of the Japan Primary Care Association, and holds an MBA.

  • Akio Kamiyama

    Akio Kamiyama Auditor

    Graduated from the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Keio University. Worked in private equity at Advantage Partners. President and CEO of Kokoromi Inc. Founded Kokoromi Inc. to launch services aimed at the elderly.

Expert Commitee

  • Yuki Shimahara

    Hiroshi Fujita Expert (Medical AI)

    Completed graduate studies at Gifu University. Doctor of Engineering (Nagoya University). Served as a visiting researcher at the University of Chicago and professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Medicine at Gifu University. Currently a special professor/emeritus professor at Gifu University and visiting professor at Fujita Health University and Shiga University of Medical Science. Long engaged in research and development of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) in medicine. Honorary professor of the Society for Medical Image Information and a fellow of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.

  • Yuki Shimahara

    Yasuyuki Kobayashi Expert (Medical AI)

    Graduated from Asahikawa Medical University, School of Medicine. Radiology specialist. Deputy Director of the Digital Health Co-Creation Center and professor in the Graduate School of Medical Information Technology Application at St. Marianna University School of Medicine. Leads the 'Healthcare Professionals 2030' training project, focusing on research and education in medical AI.

  • Yuki Shimahara

    Sese Jun Expert (R&D)

    Ph.D. in Science from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo. President and CEO of Humanome Research Institute. Former assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, associate professor at Ochanomizu University and Tokyo Institute of Technology, and research team leader at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Specializes in machine learning, mathematical statistics, and large-scale data analysis in life sciences.

  • Yuki Shimahara

    Fujita Takanori

    Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo in 2006, and completed the Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo in 2011. Senior Fellow at The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, Project Associate Professor at the Department of Healthcare Policy and Management, Keio University School of Medicine, and Project Associate Professor at Information & Communications of Nagoya University, after serving as an associate professor at the endowed chair of the Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University, among other positions. His specialties are medical law, healthcare policy, and particularly the legal systems and ethics surrounding the handling of medical information, including medical AI and online medical care. His social activities include serving as a member of the Expert Panel on Contact-Confirming Applications at the Cabinet Secretariat and a member of the Ethics Committee of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. My specialties are medical law, healthcare policy, and particularly the legal systems and ethics surrounding the handling of medical information, including medical AI and online medical care. My social activities include serving as a member of the Expert Panel on Contact-Confirming Applications at the Cabinet Secretariat and a member of the Ethics Committee of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association.

  • Yuki Shimahara

    Makoto Uchida Expert (Legal)

    Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, majoring in Physical Engineering. Lawyer and patent attorney. After working at Okada Haruo General Law Office, established iCraft Law Office. Member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's 'AI and Data Contract Guidelines Study Group' and 'AMED Research Data Handling Study Group'. Specializes in intellectual property strategy for startups, intellectual property disputes, system development disputes, personal information protection law, data transactions, and legal affairs related to AI.


  • Yuki Shimahara

    Kiyoshi Kurokawa Advisor

    Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo. Served as a professor of internal medicine at UCLA Medical School, the University of Tokyo, and as the Dean of the School of Medicine at Tokai University. Member of the Council for Science and Technology (2003-2006), special advisor to the Cabinet (2006-2008), and health and medical strategy advisor in the Cabinet Secretariat (2013-2019). Currently a committee member and vice-chairman of the World Dementia Council, honorary professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and the University of Tokyo. Special honorary professor at Tokai University


  • Koji Mizumura Corporate Officer

    Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Kanagawa University. Established Switch Tax Corporation and has served as a director in various companies in the construction, IT, and beauty industries, responsible for business promotion and finance. Currently the representative partner of any Tax Corporation and a director at KEIPE Inc. Licensed tax accountant

  • Yuto Nakazawa Legal Officer

    Completed the Graduate School of Law at Hitotsubashi University. Representative lawyer at ant Law Office (member of the Second Tokyo Bar Association). After supporting legal affairs for startups at GVA Law Office, worked on AI product development and PMM at GVA TECH Inc. Currently provides legal advice mainly in startup law, AI, and data law.

  • Yasumasa Takaki Design Officer

    Worked in production companies and as a freelancer, then served as Chief Design Officer at LIVESENSE Inc., LPIXEL Inc., and MOTA Inc., leading brand strategy as a director and designer.





  1. 情報資産の機密性、完全性、可用性を確実に保護するために組織的、技術的に適切な対策を講じ、変化する情報技術や新たな脅威に対応する。
  2. 全業務担当者に情報セキュリティ教育の実施と方針の周知徹底をはかり、意識の高揚・維持に務める。
  3. マネジメントシステム及び、情報セキュリティに関する目的を設定し、定期的にレビューし、継続的に改善を実施し、維持する。
  4. マネジメントシステムを実行・維持・改善して行くために管理責任者に責任と権限を委譲する。

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